There’s been none like you – Bagbin praised

Editor of WhatsUp News, David Tamakloe has praised the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, for displaying objectivity during the voting on the 2022 Budget Statement proposed by the government.

The voting on the Budget statement was characterized by drama as the majority walked out even before the voting began. The majority staged a walk-out after a failed attempt to have the Speaker direct the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketia, out of the Public gallery.

This, however, did not stop the Speaker from presiding over the voting on the Budget with only the minority in parliament.

Despite the argument by some that the Speaker was bias during the voting on the Budget Statement, David was of the view that Alban Bagbin has been the most objective speaker so far.

He was speaking in an interview with Samuel Eshun on the Special ‘Editors’ Take’ edition of the Happy Morning Show when he expressed: “The Speaker was very objective on the day of the voting. He made sure that everyone stuck to the rules. There has been none like Alban Bagbin. He was so objective in the sense that even when the minority was pushing for the sitting to start early, he did not allow it as the MPs from the other side were not present.”

He added that he disagreed with the Majority who have described the Speaker as bias towards the NPP, while favouring the NDC. For him, the Speaker on Friday put the interests of the country first before any political party’s interests.

Parliament has voted against the 2022 Budget Statement and Economic Policy for the government.

This was after the House concluded a debate on the Budget on Friday evening, November 26, 2021 and the Majority side walked out of the Chamber. Through the voice vote, the House rejected the Budget when the Speaker asked the question, a few minutes to 8pm on Friday.

Meanwhile, the Majority Caucus has asked Ghanaians to disregard reports concerning the rejection of the 2022 budget by Parliament.

According to the Majority, the action is illegal and must be treated with the contempt it deserves.

“For the record, the acts of the Minority and the decision of the Speaker to endorse it, constitute an unconstitutionality and an illegality and should be disregarded, as same is void and of no effect whatsoever,” part of the statement by the majority read.


By: Alberta Dorcas Naa Dedei James

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